

Please make yourself comfortable and take some time to wander around the site. Hopefully there’s something you’ll find interesting!

As always, I love to hear from you! Whether it’s on Facebook or a message from the CONTACT page, I’ll do my best to answer!  Don’t forget to sign up for the New Release Newsletter [on the Right].  That’s the fastest way to be informed when a new books is being released!


Click on a photo to learn more about the books in that Series ~

Magic of Time Series

Magic of Time Series

Magic of Time Series

Chance Colorado Series

Heartbar~ WHAT’S  NEW ~


First day of Fall here in northern Colorado, and I awoke to overcast skies and rain.  Perfect first day of Fall.  Didn’t last long before we were back to a bright, sunny day.

On the writing front, I’m still working on the third in the Magic of Time series – which is just the new name for a continuation of the Daughters of the Glen series.   For this story, I’m drawing from earlier books to find both my hero and heroine … secondary characters from the original Daughters of the Glen series who just won’t quit talking to me!!  😉  Title for this one is TIME TO SPARE.  This book should be available in early 2025.  And, YES, this one is taking a very LONG time to get out to you, but I am working on it…I promise!!

What’s on the horizon for the remainder of the year?  Well, finishing TIME TO SPARE is Priority One.  Then there’s the second book in the Chance,  Colorado series, SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE still half done and  waiting to be finished.  Is writing supposed to make you feel this guilty?  🙂

Don’t worry about missing the next book when I do finish.  I’ll be sending you a newsletter to let you know as each one is ready for you.  WHAT????  You aren’t signed up for my newsletters???  Sign up is easy.  Just go to the top right of this page and fill in your email address.  No worries about being deluged in mail from me.  I ONLY send out a newsletter when something new comes out…which will — hopefully!!– happen more frequently this coming year!  (And I think the signup issues are cleaned up now!! Give it a try!!)

Any questions or comments?  We discuss all sorts of things on the Group Facebook Page.  If you’re interested, we’d love to have you join us there.  Just click on the name and request to join The Magic of Time Readers Group!

In the meantime,  if you haven’t already, you can get your copy of the first Magic of Time book – ALL THE TIME YOU NEED – either in print or in ebook:


The second in that series –  ANYWHERE IN TIME  – is also  available in print and eBook at the following links:

AMAZON                 iBOOKS                    B&N/Nook                          KOBO

No, I haven’t forgotten the Contemporary series.   SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE is the second in the small-town, contemporary Chance, Colorado series.  It felt like coming home when I began working on Liz and Ryan’s book, revisiting all the folks at the Hand of Chance Coffee Emporium.  If you haven’t read the first in the series, TAKE A CHANCE, you might want to snag yourself a copy now so you can be ready for all the twists and turns Liz and Ryan will be experiencing on their path to finding a Happy Ever After!  Look for SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE to be available sometime in 2025.

If you haven’t gotten your very own copy of  TAKE A CHANCE,   you can get one here:

AMAZON [for kindle]                    I WANT a PAPERBACK COPY!


MOST ASKED:   Will there be more Daughters of the Glen books?   YES!  This new series,  Magic of Time, IS a continuation of the Daughters books, just with a new name.  For now, characters from the first in the Magic of Time series, ALL THE TIME YOU NEED, show up in  ANYWHERE IN TIME as well as characters from Daughters of the Glen.  Remember Cate Coryell from THIRTY NIGHTS? Well, you get to meet her parents in ANYWHERE IN TIME, so, as I said, it’s all connected – and getting MORE connected with each book!

Why a new name for the series?  Because books in the original series are still in the hands of my publisher, Simon & Schuster.   Those books are still available in ebook, through most vendors.  They are available in print only through print-on-demand or as used copies.  While some are available in audio, the whole series has not been  put into audio.   I hope to have a page up soon with the older books listed.

Will you write any more Ghost of Culloden Moor books?  Unfortunately, probably not.  I loved the story I wrote for the wonderful series developed by author L.L. Muir.  But in writing it I discovered it takes me as long to write a short story as it does to write a long story!  I was thrilled to be included in the project but working on that book took me away from the flow of the series I was working on….as I’m sure is evident to everyone waiting for the next book!

What happened to the Contemporary series?  The second book in that series is a little over half completed.  I know the story, I just haven’t found the words to do the story justice…yet.  🙂  It will come, but not until I have the next time travel out and available.

Have a question?  You can always find me on Facebook at my AUTHOR PAGE . Stop by and join in the conversations.  And, if you’d like to chat more in depth about the books or the characters – or what others are reading while they’re waiting for the next book – there’s a special Facebook Group for readers of my time travel books and we’d love to have you join us there. I do try to check in there regularly to keep the members up to date on what’s happening or just to visit and I’m always open to answering any question you have about the books or the characters. You can find the group here if you’re interested in joining: MAGIC OF TIME READERS GROUP!!

That’s it for now!  Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy autumn and all the pumpkin and spice that entails!!

~ Melissa

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